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Company Background

Daffodil Computers was established in 1990 as a proprietorship concern of Mr. Md. Sabur Khan, the former president of Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industries (DCCI) and Bangladesh Computer Somity (BCS). In 1998 the Company was incorporated as a Private Limited Company and named Daffodil Computers PLC (DCL). In 2003 the company become the 1st Public Listed Company as a Purely IT based Company in Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and in 2006 also listed in Chittagong Stock Exchnage (CSE). DCL has emerged as the largest computer assembling, marketing and selling firms of Bangladesh.

Though Daffodil Computers core business was computer Assembling and selling, the Company diversified into computer training and software development by opening a computer training wing (training operated by sister concern) in 1997 and a software development wing in 1998. These two wings were subsequently established as separate entities under the names of Daffodil Institute of Information Technology and Daffodil Software Limited respectively.

Under the dynamic management of Mr. Md. Sabur Khan, the company opened another wing for e-commerce and web development in May 2000 to capitalize on the huge opportunity provided by the robust growth of ecommerce in Bangladesh. DCL stepped ahead while it introduced the 1st local brand PC in Bangladesh naming daffodilPC. Its all the components are OEM and specially built for daffodilPC. For service and support it also sells its spares in the market, which has a high demand for its quality and commitment.

DCL installed another milestone in its history after being awarded the ISO 9002 certification for its main focus and the 1st and No.1 local brand of Bangladesh daffodilPC. It has been appointed as the only Hewlett-Packards (HP) authorized Corporate Reseller and Authorized Service Provider in Bangladesh. Its superior quality products, affordable price and excellent customers service have made Daffodil a trusted and valued name among the users in the IT field of Bangladesh. DaffodilPC has been introduced in the market the as value PC and stood as the No.1 in sales.

Due to its quality service, Daffodil Computers boasts the broadest list of customers from all segments of the market. The client list of Daffodil includes various Ministries of Bangladesh Government, Multinational Companies, Non-Government Organizations, International Organizations, various foreign funded projects, diplomatic missions, universities, other educational institutions and thousands of end users from all walks of life. The customer is the focal point of Daffodil Computers activities and it strongly believes that without customer satisfaction, no organization can survive in an increasingly competitive market.

History of Company

Journey Begins with Daffodil Computers (1990) : 
Begun its journey as a conventional ICT training and trading house. Daffodil Computers PLC  is the first initiative of Daffodil Group came into being in the year of 1990. With the vision of familiarizing IT in Bangladesh and involving local human resource in the industry the venture was introduced. The small scale venture has been shaping into a giant with pace of time and intellectuality of the initiator. DCL has been registered with Joint Stock Company limited as limited company in 1997 and converted in to public limited company by share in 2002.

Very early days of the inception of the organization DCL have had started business in area of IT Training and immediately accommodating opportunity of computer sales and services the organization focused into the IT business and introduced first PC warranty culture in Bangladesh. 

At its pace (1991): Four more Personal Computers were added. In the later part of this year Daffodil Desktop Publishing Center was started with two Apple PC and one Laser printer with new ideas and dream.

Its 1st step in the market (1992): HP laser Jet Printer and IBM Compatible PC were introduced in Desktop publishing center with a view to extend the center as a commercial sector. Daffodil accessories selling business was initiated with locally collected accessories and started clone PC assembling locally.

Where the trend starts (1993): New target in mind; Daffodil first started assembling CDCOM clone PC with imported parts from Singapore. The main Characteristic of this PC was warranted and legalization, which did not exist in any establishment in Bangladesh. This idea earned the acceptability of public in the clone PC marketing. The individual computer selling idea was one step ahead by introducing corporate computer selling. Some Govt. and large corporate customers started liking DCL’s products and services.

Into the public (1994): Daffodil Computer participated in COMTEQ fair in Sheraton Hotel and succeeds to attract a large number of clients. It gave the real exposure of its strength in the field of clone PC technology.

The Milestone (1995): Keeping the view of the application of computer in practical life, the future expansion of IT field, the need of faster working efficiency and the need of the clients, the Daffodil Computers put forwarded the Super Store idea for the first time in Bangladesh, which created enormous enthusiasm among the IT lovers. That was the time when Daffodil Computers started gaining the banner head lines in the National Dailies. This was a milestone in the advancement of Computer industry in the country. One eminent IT journalist wrote in his newspaper “Daffodil for young generation”.

DCL the Main Focus of Multinational IT Giants (1996): In IT industry Daffodil first developed its own web site: Daffodil became the hit point of international brand principals to act as the local agents in Bangladesh. Daffodil was appointed as the representative in Bangladesh by Internationally reputed brands like HP Intel, Microsoft, Ingram Micro, Dr. Solomon Antivirus (which is now NAI), and Quantum etc with respective relationships.

DCL responding to the market demand (1997): As per need of the clients Daffodil started opening branches in different areas and the first of its branch was established in Elephant Road and 2nd branch was in Banani in 1997.

DCL In the field of IT education (1997): Daffodil started a training center to educate young generation and provide them opportunity to earn International Standard Degree in computer training; NCC education, UK affiliation was achieved and this program was started with only 7 (Seven) students. Later the number of students increased to such an extent that required a larger area to accommodate. Then a new company formed in the name of DIIT (Daffodil Institute of IT). 
Innovation and development of new sector in the Industry (1998) : Daffodil established an individual company in the name of Computer Clinic to provide better service to the clients. Now it is operating with 4 (four Branches around the country). This idea is very much innovative and essential for the computer users. This removed the shadow of the after warranty service problems in the industry.

The Expansion in Education sector (1998): With the success in IT training and success of NCC education, UK, Daffodil renamed and formed different management body for its training wing Daffodil Institute of IT (DIIT) to prove quality education as international standard. DIIT achieved the highest appreciation in Bangladesh. We are proud also when DIIT received the best partner award among 40 countries held in Thailand. DIIT got affiliation of London Metropolitan University (LMU) to conduct B.Sc. (Hons) course.

The startup of principal product in line the daffodilPC (1998): To stop inflow of various foreign brands in the country local brand daffodilPC was brought before customers. The huge experience in PC technology, experience of handling international brands and with strong commitment of management the plan of daffodilPC came into success. DaffodilPC introduced in the market as the value PC. DaffodilPC has earned confidence of the people of the country for its quality and commitment. Started its 4th sales center in 1DB, BCS Computer City and its operation in Sylhet, Khulna & Chittagong. Become the Partner of Ingram Micro South Asia (one of largest distribution channel in the world). Appointed as a sole Distributor of FIC (First International Corporation), Mitsumi, Chintax, APC brands etc.

Incorporation of Daffodil Computers PLC. (1998): Enormous success of various wings of Daffodil and with the efficient management and planning Daffodil Computers PLC. was incorporated.

A successful year of (1999): DCL focused more on its expansion to meet huge market demand. A huge evolutionary labor R&D, Client Services, Development works has been done to prevent the Y2K problems around the country. It stood besides the government voluntarily to support the hardware and software in Bangladesh. The daffodilPC R&D team made The PC different as a value PC than any other PCs, which were being assembled in Bangladesh. It than started developing its own quality policy with the help of ISO certified consultants and being prepared to face the ISO 9000 certifications lead auditor, the Orion Registrar Inc. USA.

Labor conquers the world (2000): The 1st day of the year was celebrated with a huge rally traveling the city with the declaration that “100% Y2K bug free country”. 
Job portal emerged first in Bangladesh. Daffodil online buying service was established for the convenience of the customers. Daffodil web & ecommerce wing was started for keeping the activities of, and other web developments. 
DaffodilPC achieved 1SO9002 Certification and DCL became the 1st Bangladeshi IT Company who has been awarded ISO 9000. DaffodilPC establish its concept; Love Bangladesh love daffodilPC.
Daffodil Computers PLC. has been awarded as the only HP Corporate Reseller and Authorized Service Provider in Bangladesh. It may be mentioned here that DCL has been engaged as HP reseller and accredited reseller since 1995. It started operation of its Chittagong and Motijheel branch. It also started operation of DIIT in Khulna, Chittagong and Banani Branch. DIIT got permission to conduct BBA and B.SC (Hons) in CIS under National University. 
Daffodil Computers PLC. has been awarded as the sole distributor of GIS (Geographic Information System) products for Bangladesh of Calcomp brand of GTCO Calcomp, USA.

Where IT turns (2001): DCL strengthen to be the No.1 by enormous sell figures by winning maximum tenders of IT. Measuring the success of Daffodil Software, Daffodil Group incorporated Daffodil Software PLC. DCL started its operation in Narayangong and Comilla. DIIT ran also in Feni. Established Daffodil Multimedia and it released 1st Digital Magazine of Bangladesh in the name of Digibangla. Established Career Development Program (CDP) to give the guidance and training to the unemployed but educated people in the country. A very successful ISO 9000 surveillance audit was passed to further qualify to retain the ISO 9000 certification for daffodilPC hence for the company.

Where to go for total IT solution? (2002): Daffodil International University came into being with approval of the Ministry of Education under Private University Act of 1992. DCL has become the strongest IT vendor in the country with the utilization of its HR, Labs, Researches, IT development and its with 13 years experience. DaffodilPC faced the 2nd surveillance of ISO 9000 with more perfection than ever before. Dream came true; a huge effort into a success when Bangladesh Govt. approved Daffodil International University in 23rd January and started its operation with 6 (six) courses. Daffodil Software Ltd. awarded Railway Reservation Ticketing system as BOT (Build, Operation and Transfer) project under Ministry of Communication, which is the largest IT project in govt. sector till to date. 
• Daffodil Software Ltd. finished its centralized banking solution under the name Daffodil Bank. 
• Daffodil Multimedia Launches Lot of Multimedia Products.

Introduction of Daffodil International University (2002): Daffodil Group established Daffodil International University with the approval of the Ministry of Education under the Private University Act of 1992 and its amendment in 1998

Converted into the Public Limited Company (by share) 2003: As a pioneer and only ICT business and service company DCL converted into the public limited company and share issued to the public and share trading has started to take place at Chittagong Stock Exchange.

Daffodil International College came into being (2004): Established Daffodil International College to ensure quality education at school and college level with the aim to provide English medium teaching of local curriculum at the said levels.

Introducing Daffodil Foundation (2004): To serve the society especially those who still underlying the foundation has been developed.

Daffodil Technokids (2004): Acquisition of Technokids Bangladesh and converted into Daffodil Technokids (2004)
Share Trading at Dhaka Stock Exchange (2005): The share of DCL started to trade at Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) due to its trustworthiness and relies of investors on the company.

Local Joint Collaboration (2005): Daffodil Grameen IT Education- a joint effort of Daffodil Computers PLC  and Grameen Star Education established a pioneer IT qualification awarding body.
Daffodil International Professional Training Institute (DIPTI) set up to provide professional Training to unemployed and as well as to employed persons to develop their skills.

International Joint Venture (2006): Joint Venture with e-recruitment giant Jobstreet, Malaysia and established a new venture JS e-Recruitment Limited in Bangladesh.

Inclusion of Sprout International (English medium) School (2007): Inclusion of Sprout International (English medium) School is another achievement in education sector in Bangladesh.

International Joint Collaboration (2007): Joint Collaboration with software giant Britesoft, Malaysia to meet up the growing need of software demand for local as well as international market.

Contribution to ICT

  • We are pioneer in ICT sector in Bangladesh. For our innovative ideas, we are now: 
  • The First clone PC assembler in Bangladesh (1991)
  • The First warranty provider for Clone PCs in Bangladesh (1992)
  • The First to establish “Computer Superstore” concept in Bangladesh (1996)
  • The First Corporate Reseller of Hewlett Packard in Bangladesh (1996)
  • The First Bangladeshi company to provide IT education by establishing DIIT (1998)
  • The First & Only Authorized Service Provider of Hewlett Packard in Bangladesh (1998)
  • The First Bangladeshi company to proved on line recruiting services by establishing (1999) 
  • The First ICT Company in Bangladesh who achieved ISO 9002 certification for quality (1999) 
  • The First ICT Company introducing country’s one and only ISO 9001 certified Brand PC (2000)
  • The First ICT company provided Software, Hardware, and IT solution in Bangladesh, which has been enlisted as a Public Limited Company (2002) 
  • The First ICT Company in the country who has established an IT based International University (2002)
  • The First ICT company in Bangladesh to establish joint venture projects with several International Companies (2002) 
  • The First ICT company organized and provided media facilities for the Australia, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Kenya Cricket Team visit in Bangladesh (2003 & 2004)
  • The First computer company operates its business globally as well locally with its different remote offices at China, Dubai, USA, Saudi Arabia, UK, Australia, Germany, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and many other countries (2003)
  • The First ICT company awarded for the computerized seat reservation and ticketing for Bangladesh Railway. The project is under going and this is the pioneer project for Bangladesh where the project is running BOT basis named DSLCNS consortium (2003)
  • The First ICT company signed a contract agreement with DCL-CMG Consortium, a joint venture of the local leading ICT Company MIS. Daffodil Computers PLC and another ICT Company CMG, Malaysia Bangladesh for computerization works for automation and modernization of their activities of Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) (2003)
  • The First ICT company to provide its expertise to establish Data Center for Bangladesh Defense Services which is a high-end technical solution in Government’s sector (2004)
  • The First ICT company awarded for the Dhaka Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) Billing Projects on BOOT basis (2004) 
  • The First computer company awarded total automation projects for Dhaka City Corporation (2004) 
  • The First ICT company developed the Country’s presentation CD named ‘Discover Bangladesh” for The Government of Bangladesh (2004)
  • The First ICT company organized and established SAARC media centre at Sonargaon Hotel for 13th SAARC Summit in Bangladesh (2005)
  • The First ICT company go for joint venture agreement with foreign software company to develop customized software for international market (2007)